Why Pet Dentistry is So Important

Your pet’s oral health is a fundamental element of overall long-term wellness. We understand that lack of attention to the oral cavity can lead to more than just bad breath; it can lead to periodontal disease (gingivitis, bone infections, dental abscesses, etc.) and eventual tooth loss. When left untreated, periodontal disease is a very painful condition that affects your pet’s quality of life and potentially exacerbates other diseases your pet may have been previously diagnosed with.

Pet Dental Care at Mountain Parks Vet

At the core of our dental philosophy is the prevention and control of periodontal disease. We recommend home dental care as well as professional cleanings to remove plaque, both above and below the gum lines, and decrease the rate at which periodontal disease returns.

During a dental cleaning, with the aid of digital dental radiographs, the doctor fully examines your pet’s mouth for any abnormalities. This includes problems such as fractured teeth, bone loss, diseased roots, etc. More than 75% of periodontal disease occurs below the gums and the use of quality digital x-rays is a must to properly evaluate concerns which wouldn’t be visible to the naked eye.

Pet Dentistry in Evergreen CO

Pet Dentistry Services: What to Expect


Dental procedures in dogs and cats require anesthesia. We perform a pre-anesthetic exam and diagnostics in order to tailor the anesthesia to the needs of each individual pet. For high-risk patients, a board-certified Veterinary Anesthesiologist will either be consulted or arrangements made for them to monitor your pet.

The American Veterinary Dental College offers information on this topic on their website: www.avdc.org/AFD/

Pet Dentistry Post-Op Care & Follow-Up

After any procedure, we closely monitor all patients and administer appropriate analgesics. When your pet is discharged, we’ll provide guidelines on home care and are always available for your questions or concerns.

If your dog or cat is in need of the pet dentistry services at our animal hospital in Evergreen, CO – request an appointment today, or call 303-674-3156 with your questions. Our team is ready to help!