While this may be a simple question, the answer is not. First, we need to clarify that Heartworm Prevention medications are actually broad spectrum dewormers. There are some products available with more constantly being introduced. Depending on the specific product, one can expect protection from heartworms and one or more of the following intestinal parasites: roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and tapeworms (many of which are transmissible to people).
As a consequence of the outdoor lifestyle Evergreen offers to our dogs, many dogs have year round access to animal feces in their backyards or on the many trails in our area. It is through ingestion of animal feces (fox, raccoons, dogs, etc. ) that dogs contract intestinal parasites. In Evergreen I have seen many dogs with tapeworm, and thus my preference is for dogs to take monthly dewormers that include tapeworm prevention. The most affordable way to achieve this is by utilizing a Heartworm preventative medication.
But what about Heartworm? For heartworm disease to be transmissible you need: mosquitoes, the right temperature, and heartworm positive dogs in the area.
Please be aware that as our climate changes so can heartworm disease and its prevalence.
Be sure to discuss your dog’s lifestyle and whether or not heartworm prevention/monthly deworming is right for your pets with your veterinarian.